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DM Drogerie

DM drogerie markt is one of the largest drugstore chains in Central and Eastern Europe. Dm Bulgaria joined the group on January 29, 2009. The branch network consists of 91 stores in 28 cities in the country, and the company’s employees are over 800. The range of dm includes over 14,000 drugstores offering a vast number of cosmetics products, perfumes, household goods, pet food, baby products and much more.

The diverse range is complemented by 30 brands, the most popular of which are: Balea, babylove, alverde, DONTODENT, Denkmit, Profissimo and dmBio. Medicinal products and medical devices are not offered in the drugstore stores of dm Bulgaria.

The goal of dm is to build a company that meets the client’s needs, be a reliable and honest partner, and offer its employees opportunities for development. That is why dm puts the person at the centre of its activity – as a client, employee or partner.